Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Humanae Vitae - 40 years later

God bless Paul VI for fighting the good fight.

From Zenit...

Benedict XVI: "Humanae Vitae" as Relevant as Ever

Says Love and Dignity Need Defending

VATICAN CITY, MAY 12, 2008 ( In a society that treats the practice of sexuality like a drug, not just the concept of love needs defending, but also the dignity of the person, says Benedict XVI.

The Pope affirmed this Saturday when he received in audience participants from an international congress promoted by the Pontifical Lateran University to mark the 40th anniversary of the encyclical "Humanae Vitae."

The three-day conference ended Saturday.

Recalling that the encyclical was published by Pope Paul VI on July 25, 1968, Benedict XVI highlighted how "the document soon became a sign of contradiction," and pointed out that "it constitutes a significant show of courage in reiterating the continuity of the Church's doctrine and tradition."

"The truth expressed in 'Humanae Vitae' does not change," the Holy Father affirmed. "Quite the contrary, in the light of new scientific discoveries its teaching becomes more relevant and stimulates reflection on the intrinsic values it possesses."

Read the rest

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