Friday, March 21, 2008

Chinese Cardinal Zen's Via Crucis: Scriptural Stations of the Cross...

VATICAN CITY, MARCH 20, 2008 ( Here is a Vatican translation of the meditations Cardinal Joseph Zen, bishop of Hong Kong, prepared for Good Friday's Stations of the Cross at the Roman Colosseum. Benedict XVI will preside over the event.

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Led by His Holiness

Pope Benedict XVI





Bishop of Hong Kong


When I received the invitation from His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, conveyed through His Eminence Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, asking me to prepare the meditations for this year's Via Crucis on Good Friday at the Colosseum, I did not have the slightest hesitation in accepting the task. I recognized that this was the Holy Father's way of demonstrating his personal concern for the great Continent of Asia, and in particular, his way of including in this solemn act of Christian piety the faithful people of China, for whom the Via Crucis is a deeply felt devotion. The Pope wanted me to bring the voice of these distant sisters and brothers to the Colosseum.

Clearly the central figure in this Via Dolorosa is Our Lord Jesus Christ, as he is presented to us by the Gospels and the Church's tradition. Yet behind him there are many people from the past and the present, including ourselves. In our prayer this evening let us be mindful of the presence of so many brothers and sisters from times past. They, probably more than ourselves, experienced in their bodies the Passion of Jesus. In their flesh, Jesus was newly arrested, maligned, tortured, derided, dragged and crushed under the weight of the Cross, and nailed to that wood like a criminal.

Obviously, we are not alone at the Colosseum this evening. Present in the Holy Father's heart and in our own hearts are all the "living martyrs" of the twenty-first century. "Te martyum candidatus laudat exercitus".

When we think of persecution, let us also remember the persecutors. As I was drafting the text of these meditations, it frightened me to realize how unchristian I am. I had to make a great effort to purify myself of uncharitable sentiments towards those who caused Jesus to suffer and those who are causing our brothers and sisters to suffer in the world today. Only when I confronted my sins and my own lack of faithfulness, did I succeed in seeing myself among the persecutors, and then I was moved to repentance and gratitude for the forgiveness of our merciful Master. [aka: China, stop persecuting the People of God!]

So let us now begin our meditation, let us sing and pray to Jesus and with Jesus for those who suffer on account of his name, for those who cause him and his brothers and sisters to suffer, and for ourselves, who are sinners and at times also his persecutors.

Opening Prayer

The Holy Father:

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

R. Amen.

Jesus our Saviour, we are gathered here on this day, at this hour and in this place, remembering your many servants who were torn to pieces and killed here, centuries ago, amid the roars of the hungry lions and the cries of the spectators, for their faithfulness to your name. Today we come here to express to you the gratitude of your Church for the gift of salvation won by your Passion.

Colosseums have multiplied down the centuries, wherever our brothers and sisters, in different parts of the world, continue to be harshly persecuted today, prolonging your Passion. Together with you and our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world, we begin this journey along the Via Dolorosa with deep emotion, the journey that you once travelled with such great love.

Jesus in agony in the Garden of Olives

V. Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi.

R. Quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark (14:32-36)

And they went to a place which was called Gethsemane; and Jesus said to his disciples, "Sit here, while I pray." And he took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be greatly distressed and troubled. And he said to them, "My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch." And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. And he said, "Abba, Father, to you all things are possible; remove this cup from me; yet not what I will, but what you will."


Jesus experienced fear, anguish and sorrow, even to death. He took with him three companions, but soon they fell asleep, and he began to pray alone: "May this hour pass from me, take away this chalice from me ... Yet, Father, may your will be done."

He had come into the world in order to do the Father's will, but never before had he tasted the full depth of the bitterness of sin, or felt so helpless.

In his Letter to the Catholics in China, Benedict XVI recalled the vision in the Apocalypse of Saint John where the apostle weeps before the sealed book of human history, the "mysterium iniquitatis". Only the Lamb that was slain is capable of removing the seal.

In many parts of the world, the Bride of Christ is undergoing the dark hour of persecution, as Esther once did, when threatened by Haman, as did the "Woman" of the Apocalypse, when threatened by the dragon. Let us be watchful, and let us accompany the Bride of Christ in our prayer.


Jesus, Almighty God, you chose to become weakness because of our sins, you recognize the cries of the persecuted, which are the echo of your agony. They ask: Why this oppression? Why this humiliation? Why this prolonged servitude?

The words of the Psalm come to mind: "Awake, Lord, why do you sleep? Awake! Do not cast us off for ever! Why do you hide your face, why do you forget our affliction and oppression? For we lie prostrate in the dust, our body cleaves to the ground. Rise up, come to our help!" (Psalm 43:24-26).

No, Lord! You did not have recourse to this Psalm in Gethsemane, but you said: "Your will be done!" You could have summoned twelve legions of angels, but you did not.

Lord, suffering makes us afraid. We are tempted once again to grasp at easy means of success. Help us not to be afraid of fear, help us to trust in you.


Pater noster, qui es in caelis:
sanctificetur nomen tuum;
adveniat regnum tuum;
fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cælo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie;
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;
et ne nos inducas in tentationem;
sed libera nos a malo.

Stabat mater dolorosa
iuxta crucem lacrimosa,
dum pendebat Filius.

Jesus is betrayed by Judas and abandoned by his disciples

V. Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi.

R. Quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark (14:43a, 45-46, 50-52)

And immediately, while Jesus was still speaking, Judas came, one of the Twelve. And he went up to Jesus at once and said, "Master!" And he kissed him. And they laid hands on him and seized him. And the disciples all forsook him and fled. And a young man followed him, with nothing but a linen cloth about his body; and they seized him, but he left the linen cloth and ran away naked.


Betrayal and abandonment on the part of those he had chosen as Apostles, those he had entrusted with the secrets of the Kingdom, those he had trusted completely! Total failure, then. What sorrow, what humiliation!

Yet all this took place to fulfil the sayings of the prophets. Otherwise, how could the ugliness of sin have been exposed, which is simply the betrayal of love?

Betrayal causes surprise, especially if it even involves the shepherds of the flock. How could they do this to him? The spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak. Temptations, threats and blackmail bend the will. Yet what a scandal! What great sorrow in the Lord's heart!

Let us not be scandalized! Defections are never lacking at times of persecution. And afterwards, people have often returned to the fold. In that young man who cast away the linen cloth and ran away naked (cf. Mk 14:51-52), authoritative interpreters have seen the future evangelist Mark.


Lord, those who flee from your Passion are left without dignity. Have mercy on us, who stand naked before your Majesty. Let us place before you our most shameful wounds.

Jesus, to abandon you is to abandon the sun. If we seek to rid ourselves of the sun, we fall back into cold and darkness.

Father, we have distanced ourselves from your house. We are not worthy to be received back by you. Yet you have given orders that we should be washed and robed, supplied with sandals and a ring on our finger.

Pater noster, qui es in caelis:
sanctificetur nomen tuum;
adveniat regnum tuum;
fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cælo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie;
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;
et ne nos inducas in tentationem;
sed libera nos a malo.

Cuius animam gementem,
contristatam et dolentem
pertransivit gladius.


Jesus is condemned by the Sanhedrin

V. Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi.

R. Quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark (14:55, 61b-62a, 64b)

Now the chief priests and the whole council sought testimony against Jesus to put him to death; but they found none. The high priest asked him, "Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?" And Jesus said, "I am!" And they all condemned him as deserving death.


The Sanhedrin was the court of justice of God's people. Now this court condemns Christ, the Son of the Blessed One, and judges him to be deserving of death.

The Innocent One is condemned "because he has blasphemed", say the judges, and they tear their garments. Yet we know from the Evangelist that they did so through envy and hatred.

Saint John says that ultimately the high priest had spoken in God's name: only by allowing his innocent Son to be condemned could God the Father save the guilty brothers of Jesus.

Across the centuries, hosts of innocent people have been condemned to atrocious sufferings. Some cry out against the injustice, but it is they, the innocent, who, in communion with Christ, the Innocent One, atone for the sins of the world.


Jesus, you are not concerned to prove your innocence, you are solely intent upon restoring to man the righteousness that he lost through sin.

We were your enemies, there was no way for us to change our condition. You let yourself be condemned in order to grant us forgiveness. Saviour, help us to avoid bringing condemnation upon ourselves on the last day.
“Iudex ergo cum sedebit,
quicquid latet apparebit;
nil inultum remanebit.

Iuste iudex ultionis,
donum fac remissionis
ante diem rationis.”


Pater noster, qui es in caelis:
sanctificetur nomen tuum;
adveniat regnum tuum;
fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cælo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie;
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;
et ne nos inducas in tentationem;
sed libera nos a malo.

O quam tristis et afflicta
Fuit illa benedicta
Mater Unigeniti!

Jesus is denied by Peter

V. Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi.

R. Quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark (14:66-68, 72)

And as Peter was below in the courtyard, one of the maids of the high priest came; and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him, and said, "You also were with the Nazarene, Jesus." But he denied it, saying, "I neither know nor understand what you mean." And immediately the cock crowed a second time. And Peter remembered how Jesus had said to him, "Before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times." And he broke down and wept.


"Even if I must die with you, I will not deny you" (Mk 14:31). Peter was sincere when he said this, but he did not know himself, he did not know his own weakness. He was generous, but he had forgotten that he needed the generosity of the Master. He claimed he would die for Jesus, but it was Jesus who was to die for him, to save him.

In making Simon the "rock" on which to build his Church, Christ involved the Apostle in his initiative of salvation. Peter naively believed that he could give something to the Master, but instead, everything was freely given to him by Christ, including forgiveness after his denial.

Jesus did not withdraw his choice of Peter as the foundation of his Church. After repenting, Peter was given the capacity to strengthen his brethren.


Lord, when Peter speaks, enlightened by the Father's revelation, he acknowledges you as the Christ, the Son of the living God. When, on the other hand, he trusts his own reason and good will, he becomes an obstacle to your mission. Presumption causes him to deny you, his Master, while humble repentance confirms him once more as the rock on which you build your Church. Your choice to entrust the continuation of the work of salvation to weak and vulnerable men manifests your wisdom and power.

Protect the men you have chosen, Lord, so that the gates of the underworld will never prevail against your servants.

Direct your gaze upon all of us, as you did that night upon Peter, after the cock crowed.

Pater noster, qui es in caelis:
sanctificetur nomen tuum;
adveniat regnum tuum;
fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cælo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie;
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;
et ne nos inducas in tentationem;
sed libera nos a malo.

Quem maerebat et dolebat
pia mater, cum videbat
Nati poenas incliti.

Jesus is judged by Pilate

V. Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi.

R. Quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark (15:12-15)

And Pilate again said to them, "Then what shall I do with the man whom you call the King of the Jews?" And they cried out, "Crucify him." And Pilate said to them, "Why, what evil has he done?" But they shouted all the more, "Crucify him." So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released for them Barabbas; and having scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.


Pilate appeared powerful, he was in a position to determine the life or death of Jesus. He enjoyed that ironic reference to the "King of the Jews", but in truth he was weak, wretched and servile. He was afraid of the Emperor Tiberius, he was afraid of the people, he was afraid of the chief priests, while nevertheless despising them in his heart. He handed Jesus over to be crucified, knowing that he was innocent.

In his vain attempt to save Jesus, he ended up granting freedom to a dangerous murderer.

To no avail he sought to wash those hands, dripping with innocent blood.

Pilate is the image of all those who wield authority as an instrument of power, having no regard for justice.


Jesus, through your courage in declaring yourself king, you sought to awaken Pilate to the voice of his conscience. Enlighten the consciences of the many people in positions of authority, so that they may recognize the innocence of your followers. Give them the courage to respect religious freedom.

The temptation to cultivate the powerful and oppress the weak is very widespread. And the powerful are those who wield authority, those who control trade and the mass media; but there are also people who allow themselves to be easily manipulated by the powerful into oppressing the weak. How could those people cry out "Crucify him!", after they had known you as a compassionate friend, one who had only ever done good to everyone?

Pater noster, qui es in caelis:
sanctificetur nomen tuum;
adveniat regnum tuum;
fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cælo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie;
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;
et ne nos inducas in tentationem;
sed libera nos a malo.

Quis est homo qui non fleret,
matrem Christi si videret
in tanto supplicio?

Jesus is scourged and crowned with thorns

V. Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi.

R. Quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark (15:15b, 17-19)

Pilate, having scourged Jesus, delivered him to be crucified. Then the soldiers clothed him in a purple cloak, and plaiting a crown of thorns they put it on him. And they began to salute him, "Hail, King of the Jews!" And they struck his head with a reed, and spat upon him, and they knelt down in homage to him.


Scourging as it was practised in those days was a terrible punishment. The dreadful flagellum used by the Romans tore the flesh to shreds. And the crown of thorns, apart from causing the most acute pain, was also a mockery of the divine Prisoner's kingship, as were the spitting and the blows.

Appalling forms of torture continue to emerge from the cruelty of the human heart - and psychological tortures are no less terrible than the physical variety; often the victims themselves become torturers in their turn. Are all these sufferings meaningless?


No, Jesus, you continue to gather together and sanctify suffering of all kinds: that of the sick, of those who die in hardship, of all who experience discrimination; but the sufferings which shine out over all others are those endured for your name.

By the sufferings of the martyrs, bless your Church; may their blood become the seed of new Christians. We firmly believe that their sufferings, even if at the time they seem like total defeat, will bring true victory to your Church. Lord, grant constancy to our persecuted brethren!

Pater noster, qui es in caelis:
sanctificetur nomen tuum;
adveniat regnum tuum;
fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cælo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie;
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;
et ne nos inducas in tentationem;
sed libera nos a malo.

Pro peccatis suae gentis
vidit Iesum in tormentis
et flagellis subditum.

The Cross is placed upon Jesus's shoulders

V. Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi.

R. Quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark (15:20)

And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the purple cloak, and put his own clothes on him. And they led him out to crucify him.


The Cross, that great symbol of Christianity, from being an instrument of shameful punishment has become a glorious victory banner.

There are courageous atheists who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the revolution: they are prepared to embrace the cross, but without Jesus. Among Christians there are de facto "atheists" who want Jesus, but without the Cross. Now without Jesus, the cross is unbearable, and without the Cross, no one can claim to be with Jesus.

Let us embrace the Cross and let us embrace Jesus, and with Jesus let us embrace all our suffering and persecuted brethren!


O divine Redeemer, with what great joy you embraced the Cross, which you had desired for so long! It weighs heavily upon your wounded shoulders, but it is held up by a heart filled with love.

The great Saints understood the saving value of the Cross so deeply that they could cry out: "Either suffer or die!" Give us the grace at least to accept your invitation to carry our cross behind you. You prepared a personal cross for each one of us. We have before our eyes the image of Pope John Paul II, who climbed the "Mount of Crosses" in Lithuania. Every one of those crosses had a story to tell, a story of suffering and joy, of humiliation and triumph, of death and resurrection.


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