Tuesday, February 12, 2008

On modern art...

An interesting reflection on the banality of modern art and architecture.

In a 2003 interview with Steve Sailer to promote his book Human Accomplishment, Charles Murray said the following:

I think that the number of novels, songs, and paintings done since 1950 that anyone will still care about 200 years from now is somewhere in the vicinity of zero. Not exactly zero, but close. I find a good way to make this point is to ask anyone who disagrees with me to name a work that will survive -- and then ask, "Seriously?" Very few works indeed can defend themselves against the "Seriously?" question.

To which, Steve challenged his readers to come up with works that would meet that criteria. (Steve’s review of the book is here.) Well, I have belatedly taken up the challenge.

Hat tip to "The Man Who Was Thursday" blog; below is the entire post:

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